All of My Bohemian Brothers Who I Loved So Dearly........
By now I am not sure how many of you will know about this but if you are receiving this then I have in fact lost my battle with cancer. If you remember my bout with a stage 2 melanoma that appeared near my knee in March of 2008 then perhaps you know that I thought I had that taken care of through surgery when I headed off for another 9 months of travel shortly after. Well 1 ½ years later (at least that was when I discovered it) the cancer came back and by the time I found this out in late September of 2009 it was already Stage IV Metastatic Melanoma that had found its way not only to my lungs but to my brain. It was a pretty dismal prognosis but I put up a good fight. Of course there will be one final Travel Log for anyone who wants to read more about the particulars of my final journey which will get sent out soon, but in the meantime this farewell letter is being sent out to you by my Brother Mitch and it is my chance to say good-bye to anyone who I regretfully did not have the opportunity to do so already.
Some of you will know about this already. In fact, maybe by now I have decided to let the cat out of the bag and most of you do know. But if it is still news to most of you then I apologize for not sharing this sooner. Where would I have received more support and love than from my Bohemian brothers?! I knew that all along, and yet I did not want anyone feeling bad for me or uncomfortable about what to say to or how to act around me. Perhaps this was my own projection of myself not always knowing how to act when I was on the other side of this equation. It was my choice to just spend as much joyful time as I could with all of you before I had to say good-bye and I chose to not darken those final sunny days with clouds of sadness. I truly love you guys and all that Bohemia is and was for me. I thank you all for what you gave me from the very bottom of my heart.
….."So young" you say? In a way, yes. Especially in relation to the age demographic of our sacred Club. But in so many other ways, no. Anyone who knows me well knows that I lived more in my 57 years than most people might in five or ten lifetimes!! How many people get to play music all their lives, have a wonderful loving family, are blessed with two incredible children, make friends ALL over the world, get to retire by the time they are 48 years old and then have the opportunity to travel ALL over the world for the better part of 9 years?! How many people spend more than 13 years of their lives abroad and have the chance to visit 101 different countries?! If you know what a "Bucket List" is then you know that it is a list that you put together when you know your days are numbered, consisting of those things that you have always wanted to do but never got to for one reason or another. Things that you would like to try to do before you leave the world. Well friends, my list was blank!! Sure there were some places that I would have liked to run off to for a last visit. Little paradises that I would like to have spent some more time in. And a few like the Galapagos and Madagascar that I always wanted to get to. But the reality of it all was that I was content with my life. 101 countries sure wasn't bad!!
And if all that wasn't enough, I was blessed with the opportunity to be a part of Bohemia . This was one of the greatest gifts of my life. Something that I always treasured beyond any of your imaginings. The traditions, the brotherhood, the quality of men and the way they treated one another. It’s possible that I felt like I was worth more in Bohemia than any place else in my life. Sometimes I would hear fellow associates use the word, “work” when speaking about what they did in Bohemia . I NEVER used that word. For me it was always a joy to be a part of things. I learned very early on that that was the very essence of the club. That this was the way to have the deepest and most satisfying experience in Bohemia . Whenever you give in Bohemia it comes back tenfold. The way to get the most enjoyment out of our Club was to participate.
I have always been quite Nomadic. Travel and the road have always been deep in my blood. Once my kids were gone and I sold my house in January of 2001, I was completely free to run off and be anyplace in the world that I wanted for as long as I wanted to be there. The only thing that really brought me back home was Bohemia . Trust me…there were times when I was clear across the globe and it was like, “How can I leave this beautiful place and this life so divine?” But every time I came back and joined my brothers in the Redwoods it was absurd to me that I had even had the slightest hesitation. Yes, Bohemia was the one thing that kept me rooted in San Francisco . And no matter how far I traveled or for how long…No matter how wide my branches spread out. Every time I came back to Bohemia I found that my roots had grown deeper. My relationships were stronger and more meaningful. My experiences were richer.
Yes, “ Bohemia ’s home is here” and with respect to my nomadic life I would have to say that my home was “ Bohemia ”. Some of you may know this already but during my travels, as far away as I found myself, a majority of my dreams (that I woke up remembering) were about Bohemia !! Seriously. Halfway across the planet and I would wake up with the Grove on my mind and some interaction with my brothers still fresh in my sub-conscious mind.
I suppose that other than some family things like seeing my kids get married and getting to know my grandchildren once they came along there is one thing that I would have to put on that Bucket List. It was always my dream to grow old in the Redwoods with all of my Bohemian brothers. But somehow that just wasn't meant to be. Maybe it will be just as well to live on in your minds as the young and vital, energetic and jovial Segovia that I hope you will remember me as.
Now I am off for the great Grove in the sky" where I will be at home with many other Bohemians who have gone before me. I hope that they will be laying out the green redwood leaves around the heavenly Campfire Circle , lighting the fire to keep me warm and planning a wonderful show to welcome me home with. Hell, I'd even be happy to do the sound for the show!! Wasn't that always the best part of Bohemia ...being a part of all the wonderful productions that we put on? I never met Harry McCune but I am certain that he can use a hand at the mixing console.
I love you guys and I miss you already…… Segovia
One final note. In my will I have left my white Tune Bass Guitar to the Bohemian Club. It has been with me for more then 30 years and is one of my most sacred possessions. I can think of no better way to leave a piece of myself with all of you. My desire is that you do with it as you see fit. Keep it at the City Club or bring it up to the Grove from time to time. I would like anyone who needs it to use it for shows, rehearsals or just to play around on a bit. Or if you want to put it on display in the Cartoon Room or elsewhere in the club that would be absolutely splendid!!